Saturday, October 31, 2009

Combing Shapes Part 1

Begin combining shapes to create complex forms for logo design and more.

Creating Custom Strokes in Fireworks CS4

Go deeper creating custom strokes in Fireworks CS4.

The Futre of K-12 education

Empowering Kids to Create Their World

K-12 Lab is a new initiative that was started several years ago at Stanford's Hasso Plattner Institute of Design. Our main philosophy rests on the idea of design thinking - an orientation that new, better things are possible and that you and I can make it happen. Engaging students in design thinking means helping them to be aware of the situations around them, to see that they have a role in creating them, and to decide to take action towards a more desirable future.

Programing for all

Powerful and important step and creating inroads and breaking down barriers to programming!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Fireworks CS 4 - Strokes Part 2

Learn how to create and save custom strokes.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Fireworks CS 4 - Edges and Strokes - part 1

Fireworks CS 4 - Edges and Strokes - part 1

Garage Band 3 - Intro Part 1 Garage Band 3 - Introduction Part 2

Garage Band 3 - Introduction
Part 2 - Sharing (exporting)

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Garage Band 3 - Intro Part 1

Garage Band 3 - Introduction
Part 1 Creating Custom Loops

Intro to Fills in Fireworks CS4

In this Lesson I give you an introduction to working with fills for vector objects in Fireworks CS4.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Art Institute of Chicago Modern Wing Technology Musings

Working professionally as an Interactive Designer for the past decade plus, participating in several Siggraphs, , Mac Worlds, , Flash Forwards, , and many other high end and aesthetically fantastic new media events I have high expectations when it comes to technology. I also have a high expectation as far as quality cutting edge art museum experience. There is so much potential to use new media in an appropriate way n this space that are just not happened here as of yet.

With the very recent opening of the AIC Modern Wing, I believe that the use of technology in the space is minimal and barely helpful. I think that the use of technology as an aid to the visitor experience and an immersive art form featured in the space is weak and has a long way to go.

Yes, I am enthused about the Pathfinder Informational kiosks; which provide visitors with helpful information, but I do not believe the locations of the two Pathfinder system is effective.

The one that is close by to the Education Center and seems unfocused and placed out of the way. The second Pathfinder is on the second floor.

Why not place a bank of 8 machines more centrally located and featured near the entrance to this "Contemporary" Museum space....

I am curious to know what might be suggested as to the content and placement of this piece of technology by museum visitors and get their take on possible evoulutions of this system. Especially youth.

I do hope for more immersive interactive exhibits and Interactive/Analog Hybrid Installations in the future.

I would like to see Iphone-like navigation kiosks and related apps that you can navigate with on your hand held device. Perhaps the museum could rent out Ipod touch systems with museum guides and specialized curriculum options for different types of visitors.

I think on-going informational sessions led by a person using the Pathfinder would open up the doors to technology in the Modern Museum space, create community and promote dialog and warmth around the current technology and pave the way for things to come.

From my observance the The Education Center seems like an energized space. I can't help thinking of ways I may be able to create and share in this space in the near future (read ideas for Thesis) .... Big Fun Arts style. Enthused for the near future!

The color in the space is warm and red and wonderful and the people I met in the Play area and resource center were knowledgeable, kind and helpful (as was all he museum staff).

The Modern wing website

The site is clear and for the most part intuitive and easy to navigate. The page's primary navigation provides the main on going areas of interest to museum visitors and the secondary navigation at the right, provides an overview and some additional details of the museum space and community/membership involvement links. Basic the self-guide documents are a step in the right direction.

I don't "get" the red theme and think the aesthetic of the site could be improved.

The home page works as a simple table of contents making it easy to locate along with basic information regarding the collection, calendar, hours and admission prices. The website also offers a series of Self-Guide documents that visitors can access prior to their visit.

A couple of things more. The collections are amazing and inspiring. The building is light, a little boxy for my taste but I think it's growing on me each time I visit. I seem to not to be able to use the gallery doors correctly, I seem to be pushing and pulling at the opposite times, simple push pull signs on the doors would be helpful.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Fireworks CS4 ~ Auto Shapes continued

In this lesson we look at the the Fireworks CS4 Auto Shapes, and Auto Shape Properties panels.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Introduction to Auto Shapes in Fireworks CS4

This lesson opens the door to the amazing Auto Shape drawing tools in Fireworks CS4.

Nine 9 Scaling in Fireworks CS4

In this lesson I show you what 9 slice scaling
in Fireworks CS4 is and why it's so great!

Shapes in Fireworks CS4 - part 2

Transforming shapes in Fireworks CS4

The powerful transformation tools in Fireworks CS4 allow you to scale, skew and distort your shapes.

Shapes in Fireworks CS4 - part 1

Learn how work with basic shape tools in Fireworks CS4