Thursday, July 5, 2007

blog titles

I went back to sleep this morning even though I felt guilty.

Now it's 1:30 here and 10:30 there and you are not answering the phone.

I'm walking around town trying to catch all these fleeting thoughts so I can remember them and put them in my blog.

I'm gardening and in the garden I'm picking up dead leaves and pulling out the weeds in between the plants I want to keep in the garden. I'm not losing hope although I forgot to water the mint plants yesterday and they looked almost dead by three o'clock when I got some water on them...

Today I went out there and they mostly survived. Today I remembered to water the early.

So while washing the dishes, I'm carrying boxes, I'm finding places to put stuff or trying to get rid of stuff. And the conversation is going on. Is this really happening? Is this really happening?

Everything is ramping up. So many shifts since we sold the house. My life looks big again. My life looks so much bigger again. Much bigger than ever. Moving here has been so good for us.

Even so, after close to nine weeks, we and I mean mostly I, are still setting up. Most importantly now is finishing my art room. My video room. My big fun room.

Yesterday I sold the green couch. Actually it was your green couch. I sold it for $100. With the money I'm having the house cleaned today. My back really appreciates it. My psyche is getting used to the idea.

Lots of that however, my psyche getting used to new ideas. And there I am at the beginning again trying to catch all these fleeting thoughts. So, I can remember them, and put them in my blog.

back to editing -

sweet dreams -


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